Survival at All Costs Did Shackleton’s Crew Eat Their Dogs

Yes Ernest Shackleton and his crew ate some of dogs their during their in famous imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition(19-14) Here are some facts of about Shackleton expedition and the fate of dogs the expedition began on December 5 1914 with 69 dogs on bored the HMS Endurance the ship became trapped and immobilized by ice in Antarctica and the crew had to abandon ship on October 27.1915.

The crew had to sacrifice some of the dog to conserve food and resources. On March 30,1916, Shackleton ordered his men to shoot the remaining dogs, and the crew ate the younger ones. The crew managed to survive, and all 27 men were eventually rescued on August 30,1916.


Shackleton story is one of incredible leadership, bravery, and survival against all odds. His expedition, which took  place from 1914 to 1916 was an attempt to make the first land crossing of antarctica. Although the expedition was unsuccessfully achieving its goal, it became one of the most famous survival stories in history.

Shackleton and his crew faced numerous challenges including treacherous sea ice, harsh weather conditions and the loss of their ship, the HMS Endurance. Despite these obstacles, Shackleton and his men managed to survive for 22 months in the Antarctic Wilderness, eventually leading to their rescue. Shackleton leadership and decision-making were crucial to the survival of his crew. He made difficult decisions including the sacrifice of the some of the expedition dogs to ensure the survival of his men.

Did Shackleton dogs go with him on his journey?

The expedition began with 69 dogs, which were a mix of Siberian huskies Alaskan malamutes and Greenland dogs. The dogs were divided into nine teams, each with a leader and a driver and they were trained to pull sledges loaded with supplies, equipment, and provision. the dogs played a vital role in the success of the expedition as they were able to pull sledges loaded with heavy equipment and supplies across the snow and ice.

Did Shackleton crew survive?

The crew had set sail on December 5,1914,and got trapped in Antarctica ice 10 months later on January 18 1915,The crew abandoned ship on October 27, 19 15 and set up camp the ice. The remaining wreckage of the endurance disappeared beneath the ice 25 day later the crew salvaged as many provision as they could and sacrificed anything that added weight including bibles books clothing tools keep speaks and some of the sled dogs. The initial plan was to march across the ice toward land but that was abandoned after the men managed just seven and a half miles in seven days.

How long was Shackleton journey?

Here the detailed account of Shackleton journey December 5,1914: Ernest Shackleton British expedition ship HMS endurance departed South Georgia for antarctica with 27 wen,69 dogs and tomcat.January18 1915: The ship got stuck in antarctica ice 10 m0nths after the journey began. October 27, 1915 Shackleton and his crew abandoned ship and setup camp on the ice after the ship was torn apart by the pressure of the ice. November 21,1915 the crew watched as the remaining wreckage of the endurance sank in to the ice.

What was the goal of Shackleton expedition?

The goal of Shackleton expedition was to be the first man to the cross the enteric continent of antarctica foot in 1914 Shackleton set off for Antarctica with a team of 26 sled dogs and a cat named Mrs. Chippy Shackleton named of ship endurance borrowing from his family motto. By endurance we conquer. The  crew faced subzero temperatures and treacherous conditions in the Weddle sea including the unusually thick pack ice stretching for miles.

The goal was to cross the entire continent of Antarctica on food?

No the goal was to the cross entire continent of Antarctica expedition on foot not food the imperial trans-Antarctica expedition (1914-1917) led by sir Ernest Shackleton aimed to make the first land crossing of Antica from sea to via the south pole. The expedition planned to traverse the continent from the Weddell sea to the ross sea covering a distance of approximately was intended to achieve several scientific and exploratory objectives including to cross the  Antarctic from sea to sea the conduct scientific research in geology biology and physics.

The crew faced subzero temperatures and treacherous conditions in the Weddell sea?

Yes the crew of the endurance faced extreme subzero temperatures and treacherous conditions in the Weddell sea during their ill-fated expedition to Antarctica. The Weddell sea is one of the harshest and most unforgiving environments on earth known for its sea is covered with thick dense ice that can be several meters thick making navigation hazardous. The area is known for its fierce winds which can reach speeds of up to100 km/h (62 mph).

How many dogs did Ernests Shackleton have?

Ernest Shackleton imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1914-1917) had a total of 69 sled dogs on boarded the endurance when it set sail from south Georgia on august 5,1914. These dogs were specifically bred and trained for polar expeditions, and were essential for the teams plan to across the Antarctic on foot. They were led by the experienced dog handlers, including frank the Worsley Perce Blackmore, and Ernest Shackleton himself. The dogs were used for transportation hauling sledges with supplies and equipment across the ice.

What happen to the dogs when the endurance sank?

When the endurance sank, the crew was able to salvage food from the ship but they had to kill some of the younger dogs which were to small to be of much use to the expedition. As time passed food became scarce and the dogs became a ability. there was not enough food for every one so the dogs had to shot slaughtered and eaten. This was one of the most difficult tasks the crew faced during their ordeal.

How did the team feel about leaving the dogs behind?

The team felt terrible about leaving the dogs were beloved members of the team and had been with them fora long time Shackleton and his crew had grown attached to the dogs and the decision to euthanize them was not taken lightly. In fact it was one of the most difficult decisions they had to make during their entire ordeal. They team had come to rely on the dogs for transportation and companionship, and the dogs had become an integral part of their daily lives. They had named the dogs fed them and cared foe them and the dogs had reciprocated with loyalty  and affection.


In conclusion, the story of Shackleton dogs isa poignant and powerful reminder of the sacrifice that were made during the imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. The dogs were to loyal and hardworking companions and their contributions to the expedition and their contributions to the expedition in valuable. However as the situation became increasingly desperate, Shackleton and his team were faced to make the difficult decision to euthanize the dogs in order to conserve food and resource.

The decision to leave the dogs behind was a heart breaking one and it weighed heavily on the minds of the team. They had grown attached to the dogs and the thought old leaving them. They had grown attached to the dogs and he thought of leaving them behind was a painful reminder of the harsh realities of their situation. Despite the difficulties and challenges the faced Shackleton and his team preserved and their story is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit.




















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